Columbia University
Jeffrey Shrader
Associate Professor
Columbia University, SIPA
Office hours: click here to book
A new paper evaluating policies to integrate storage into the electricity grid while reducing emissions is now published here. Good policy design really matters here—a popular policy we analyze can actually increase emissions relative to taking no policy action!
Next up for spring is a presentation of Adjusting to Rain Before It Falls at the Joint Columbia, Cornell, MIT, and Stanford sustainable development seminar.
Lots of upcoming presentations this spring, starting with a double header at the AERE sessions at the Eastern Economics Association meeting. You can see my dynamic permits paper on Friday the 26th and a paper on labor adjustment costs and climate damage on the 27th.
On the 15th, I will be presenting on the economic damage from climate change to a new group of interdisciplinary climate change researchers at the CIRC Workshop (including my own) are now available online. Check out the website if you are interested in learning more about the group.
Recordings of the talks from the UCLA Climate Adaptation Research Symposium (including my own) are now available online.
I will be presenting work on the climate change implications of labor adjustment costs at the UCLA Climate Adaptation Research Symposium on September 21st.