Columbia University
Jeffrey Shrader
Associate Professor
Columbia University, SIPA
Office hours: click here to book
New publication! “Heat Disproportionately Kills Young People: Evidence From Wet-Bulb Temperature in Mexico” has been published in Science Advances. Press coverage of the paper can be found in the AP, the Guardian, NPR, the New York Times, and many other sources.
I have been promoted to Associate Professor (without tenure) at Columbia’s School of International and Public Affairs.
New working paper: Competition Constrains Adaptation to Climate Shocks. Part of a new series of papers I am working on focused on the costs and constraints people face when adapting to climate shocks. This paper finds that greater market competition reduces the amount of adaptation in the consumer finance sector in Ghana.
New report on the Frontiers of Benefit-Cost Analysis! Find it here. I am proud to have helped draft this report while I was at OIRA, and it is great to see it published!
I will be speaking at the 7th Annual Social Cost of Water Pollution Workshop in Washington D.C. next month. Hope to see you there!
A write-up about my talk at Harvard’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health is now online here.