Columbia University
Jeffrey Shrader
Associate Professor
Columbia University, SIPA
Office hours: click here to book
Great news on climate change policy in the US: a federal judge blocked rollback of a methane emissions rule, in the process finding that federal agencies must take global climate damages into account when conducting cost-benefit analysis. Congratulations to my Institute for Policy Integrity colleagues for helping make this case.
Ankit Bhutani has created new Python code to estimate two-sample two-stage least squares (TS2SLS). The code also works in R! Find it on Ankit’s github page. The new code provides more accurate standard error calculations than my Stata code.
The new version of our paper on present bias and beliefs is available as an IZA working paper. Congrats to Matthew on his IZA affiliation!
Check out the latest, just-updated draft of Expectations and Adaptation to Environmental Risks. Lots of information on how to estimate the benefit of climate adaptation, the damages from climate conditional on adaptation, and more. Now with twice as much data as the previous version!
New working paper! The Risk of Caution: Evidence from an R&D Experiment shows experimental evidence that people are extremely risk averse when choosing which research and development projects to fund.
I have updated code to estimate two-sample two-stage least squares regressions. It now correctly populates e() and has formatted output. Let me know if you find the program useful!