Columbia University
Jeffrey Shrader
Associate Professor
Columbia University, SIPA
Office hours: click here to book
If you are at the ASSA meeting, come see a presentation of my, Matthew, and Zachary’s paper on the sources of procrastination on Saturday.
My clean peak research was mentioned in a recent article from E&E news.
My new paper with Madison Condon and Michael Livermore asks whether there is a rational justification for the EPA’s new rule limiting what research can be used in cost-benefit analyses. To read more about why this is an important issue, see this recent NY Times article.
New paper: Policymakers have started to respond to the emissions consequences of increased electricity storage. Unfortunately, their proposed policies are likely to be ineffective. What works better? A carbon tax! Find the working paper on my research page.
Sadly, daylight saving time has ended. The only solace during my long, dark evenings is the New York Times article Austin Frakt wrote about my and Matthew’s sleep paper.
The UCSD Economics Department’s first Applied Economics Alumni Workshop will be Saturday October 19th. I will be presenting Labor Market Adjustment to News.